Congratulations on completing an Ontario Training Network on-site workshop!

To add your course completion certificate to your LinkedIn profile:

  1. Click the “Add Certificate to Profile” button at the bottom of these instructions or click HERE (a new browser tab will open for LinkedIn).
    • If you are currently not logged-in to LinkedIn, click the “Sign in” link
  2. Complete the following fields:
    Field Input
    Certificate name Use the workshop name from your course completion certificate or workbook cover (i.e., Minute Taking at Meetings)
    Certification authority Type in “Virtual Training Network & Ontario Training Network” and select it from the options that appear
    License number Leave this field blank
    Time Period Select the “Month/Year” you completed the course and select “This certification does not expire”
    Certification URL Leave this field blank

  3. Confirm you want to add the certificate by clicking the “Save” button.

The course should now show up on your LinkedIn Profile under Certifications.