Word Choice – Principle Versus Principal

Corina’s question: “Can you please discuss when to use ‘principle’ versus ‘principal?’ ” BizWritingTip response: I remember being taught that the person who runs the school was your pal; therefore, the person’s title was the principal. But there are many other meanings for this word. As a noun, it can refer to the leading performer […]

Word Choice – Outside or Outside of

Hilary’s question: “The question I have is the use of ‘of’ in a phrase such as, ‘If you live outside of Canada, a visa is required.’ Is it correct to say, ‘If you live outside Canada, a visa is required’ “? BizWritingTip response: This is a style issue. British grammar purists consider “outside of” incorrect. […]

Word Choice – Prioritize Versus Priorize

Chantal’s question: “Lately, I’ve heard people say ‘priorize’ instead of ‘prioritze.’ Will you please confirm the correct usage.” BizWritingTip response: Yes, I’ve heard people use both forms. However, according to the Oxford Canadian Dictionary, the correct word is “prioritize” – meaning to rank in order of importance. “Priorize” is not listed.

“Prioritize” is another example of a noun […]

Word Choice – That

BizWritingTip reader: “When we write ‘He advised that…,’ or ‘he reiterated that…,’ or ‘he noted that…,’ can the ‘that’ be left out?” BizWritingTip response: Several people have asked this question. There is a tendency today to remove “that” whenever possible from your writing. It sounds smoother. Examples I recommend that you attend the meeting. I […]

Word Choice – Disassemble Versus Unassembled

Rick’s question: “Are these words the same? I had build a small light display and, on the weekend, I took it apart.  I announced I was unassembling it. My girlfriend said ‘no.’ I was disassembling it.  I didn’t think there was a difference.” BizWritingTip response: Sorry. I have to go with your girlfriend on this one. If you are taking […]

Word Choice – Enquire Versus Inquire, Preventative Versus Preventive, Despite Versus In Spite of

We have received a number of questions regarding word choice. Some of them are quite easy to explain. Therefore, we have decided to cover three of them in this BizWritingTip. Enquire Versus Inquire These are alternative spellings of the same word. “Enquire” is perhaps slightly more common in the U.K., but either is acceptable in North America. […]

Word Choice – Slow or Slowly

Julie’s question: “A few of us are in dispute over the use of the word ‘slow’ or ‘slowly.’ For example,The wound healed slow or The wound healed slowly.  I think either is fine, but my friend insists it should be ‘slowly’. Can you settle this?” BizWritingTip response: I can see why this is confusing.  I often hear newscasters […]

Word Choice – Different From Versus Different Than

BizWritingTip reader: “I often hear people make the following statement: ‘This one is different than that one.’ I think it should be ‘from’ and not ‘than.’ Please clarify this when you can.” BizWritingTip response: You are correct. Different from is the way to contrast two items. Examples My findings are different from hers. Vancouver is different from Montreal. This one is different from that […]

Word Choice – Former Versus Latter

BizWritingTip reader: “Are ‘former’ and ‘latter’ still good words to use in the business world?” BizWritingTip response: Former and latter are both adjectives. They should only be used when referring to two people or things. Former refers to the first of the two things mentioned. Latter is used for the last item. Examples I can meet you at the main or the branch […]

Word Choice – Bring and Take/Come and Go

Paulo’s question: “Could you clarify the use of ‘come’ versus ‘go,’ as well as ‘bring’ versus ‘take?’ I find it strange that someone would write: ‘Yes, I am coming, and I’ll bring wine.’ ” BizWritingTip response: Use “come” and “go” when you are referring to movement. Use “bring” and “take” when carrying something. Now for the […]