Word Choice – Disinterested Versus Uninterested

Rick’s question: “Is there a difference between ‘disinterested’ and ‘uninterested’?  Or are they interchangeable?”

BizWritingTip response:  Thank you for pointing out this common error. Yes, many people do interchange these words. But they have different meanings.

“Disinterested” means unbiased or impartial. In other words, a disinterested person cannot be influenced to his or her own advantage.


We need to find a disinterested person to select the winner.

G.M. Trevelyan said, “Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the life blood of real civilization.”

“Uninterested” means not interested or unconcerned.


I am uninterested in raising funds for an event that is not for charity.

Gilbert K. Chesterton said, “There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting subject; the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person.”

Trust you found this interesting.

RIP Sheet:

OTN Tombstone

I have just posted my popular RIP Tip Sheet on this website. Whenever I deliver a session on business writing, I provide the RIP tip sheet to the participants. But I thought my BizWritingTip readers might like a copy.  The RIP tip sheet lists words and phrases that are clichés in today’s business world and provides alternatives.

Happy reading!