Word Choice – Different From Versus Different Than

BizWritingTip reader: “Do you have an opinion on the construction ‘Bob’s information was different than mine’? I see it all the time and do not like it. I would write ‘Bob’s information was different from mine,’ but I appear to be one of the few who feel this way.” BizWritingTip response: The phrases different from and different than are […]

Word Choice – Designate Versus Designee

Seng’s question: “When referring to a person who may be delegated a task, would you write designate or designee? For example, the manager or designate/designee is responsible for approving the report.” BizWritingTip response: Designate is a verb meaning “to appoint” or “to mark or point out clearly.” Examples Who was designated to write the report? […]

Word Choice – Practice Versus Practise

BizWritingTip reader: “Here is a question for you. When is it appropriate to use ‘practice’ and ‘practise’? I have seen them written both ways.” BizWritingTip response: The Canadian Oxford Dictionary states that practise is a variation of practice. In other words, both are acceptable. But it does indicate that practice is generally used as a noun and practise as a verb. Examples (nouns) Target practice […]

Word Choice – Councillor Versus Counsellor

A few weeks ago, I was working on a manual for a workshop titled Report Writing to Council. Unfortunately, my head was then in “a wrong place” when I wrote the week’s BizWritingTip. To demonstrate a point, I used the term “investment councillor.” This is absolutely wrong as several readers were quick to point out. A […]

Word Choice – I Was Versus I Were

BizWritingTip reader: “Could you give us an update on when it is appropriate to use ‘I was’ versus ‘I were.’ ” BizWritingTip response: “I was” is the normal past tense of the verb “to be.” Examples I was busy when you called. (past tense) I was nominated head of the committee. (past passive tense) I […]

Word Choice – Recur Versus Reoccur

Angela’s question: “Can you please describe when to use ‘reoccur’ and when to use ‘recur.’ Are they interchangeable?” BizWritingTip response: Aha more controversial words! The dictionary defines “recur” as a verb meaning “to occur again” or “be repeated.” (“Recurrence” is the noun.) Examples Lightning recurred throughout the night. (It happened often.) It is a recurring […]

Word Choice – Coworker or Co-worker

Daniel’s question: “I am not sure which is the right spelling: coworkers or co-workers?” BiztipWritingTip response: Unfortunately, this question is still being debated. Both the CP (Canadian Press) and the AP (Associated Press) stylebooks recommend co-worker. So does the dictionary associated with the MicroSoft Word program. But The Chicago Manual of Style and The Economist’s […]

Word Choice – Compliment Versus Complement

BizWritingTip reader: “I wonder if you could write one about the use of ‘complement’ and ‘compliment.’ It seems the misuse of these words, in my opinion, is increasing. Is there an American variation influencing this or perhaps both can now be used interchangeably?” BizWritingTip response: You are right. These words are often confused. However, “complement” […]

Word Choice – Also Versus As Well

Claire’s question: “What is the correct use of the expression ‘as well’ versus using ‘also’?” BizWritingTip response: Also is an adverb meaning “in addition, likewise, besides, moreover.” As well is an idiom and is defined as “also, in addition, to an equal extent, too.” Although these words appear similar, do not interchange them. Also is […]

Word Choice – To Versus Too

BizWritingTip reader: “When do you use `to’ or ‘too?’ ” BizWritingTip response: Using “too” when it should be “to” is a common mistake today particularly among email writers who don’t always check what they have written.?“To” is one of the more widely used words in the English language, and it has many purposes and definitions. […]