
Grammar – The Changing Rules

Although they may not like it, people are now aware that nothing remains the same. Everything changes. That’s why I find it amazing when some people appear stunned to hear grammar rules and writing styles change. But why shouldn’t they?  Grammar and writing style rules were invented to meet a specific need. When the need […]

Proposal Writing: Essential Skill for All Organizations

In the spring of 2010, Immigration Canada put out a call for proposals to agencies across Canada that provide immigration services. It received over 600 applications. These proposals were particularly important this year as the amount of money to be distributed across the country was considerably less.  In other words, the pie was a lot […]

12 Ways to Increase the Readability of Your Business Documents

The first step in creating a reader-friendly document is not writing style as many people would expect. It is the layout of the page or screen. If a document appears difficult to read because of the font, print density and lack of organization, you will immediately reduce its readability. Based on research, reading tests and […]