
Word Choice – Continual Versus Continuous

Linden’s  question: “I’m wondering about the difference between ‘continuous’ and ‘continual.’ We’re trying to develop a mission statement and are debating whether we trying to ‘continually achieve excellence’ or are trying to ‘continuously achieve excellence.’ Or does it matter which word we use?” BizWritingTip response: These two words are often interchanged but, according to the Oxford […]

Word Choice – e.g. versus i.e.

Rebecca’s question: “My question is when do you use ‘ie’ and when do you use ‘eg’? Of course, along with that question I also need to know what is the proper punctuation to be used with them.” BizWritingTip response: The abbreviation i.e. represents the Latin term “id est” meaning that is. The term e.g. – […]

Writing Style – Closings on Letters

Jean’s question: “Could you please provide some guidance with regard to the closing on a business letter.  My colleagues are no longer comfortable with “Yours sincerely” or “Yours truly” and, to add fat to the fire, they are seeing business letters with no closing at all — just the person’s name, title, and contact information.  Is this the current […]

Word Choice – Bring Versus Take

Lisa’s question: “Yesterday I heard a co-worker telling someone that a friend was going to bring her to the movies. For some reason, that statement made me cringe as it just sounded grammatically incorrect.  Should she not have stated that a friend was going to take her to the movies?” BizWritingTip response: Bring and take imply movement with direction. Bring means to move toward the speaker’s location. Take means to move […]

Word Choice – To Versus Too

Peter’s question: “I run into problems in labelling column headers. For example, ‘Sent too’ looks wrong, but ‘Sent to’ looks grammatically incorrect. My understanding is that ‘to’ is the verb form while ‘too’ is a place.” BizwritingTip response: I think your confusion lies in the many uses of the word “to.” As a preposition, it is used with a […]

Grammar Tip – That Versus Who

Ron’s question: “I often hear (or read) ‘that’ used in place of the pronoun ‘who.’ To my ears, it doesn’t sound correct. For example, ‘I’m always shocked by professionals that use improper grammar,’ versus ‘I’m always shocked by professionals who use improper grammar.’ ” BizWritingTip response: I agree with you. I was taught years ago […]

Word Choice – Thank You or Thank-You

Rob’s question: “Is ‘thank you’ a hyphenated word? For example, should I write ‘thank you for your help’ or ‘thank-you for your help’?” BizWritingTip response: To express gratitude use the two words thank you – without the hyphen. Example
 Thank you for your help. If you are familiar with British English, you probably learned to […]

Word Choice – Multiple Versus Numerous

Klaus’s question: “Please comment on the use of multiple and numerous. Are they interchangeable? Is it correct to say that multiple people attended the meeting?” BizWritingTip response: According to the Oxford dictionary, “multiple” means “having many parts, elements, or individual components; many and various.” Therefore, if I had to make a choice between the two […]

Word Choice – License Versus Licence

Paty’s question: “I have a question about the proper use of ‘License’ vs. ‘Licence’ as I’m writing a policy.” BizWritingTip response:  The spelling of these two words varies according to country.  In Britain and Canada, licence is the noun and license is the verb. In other words, if there is a piece of paper to hold […]

Word Choice – Good Versus Well

Pam’s question: “Can you please clarify the appropriate response to ‘How are you?’  Is it ‘Good’ or ‘Well’? ” BizWritingTip response: According to The Gregg Reference Manual, to feel well means “to be in good health.” To feel good is “to be in good spirits.” In other words, you are referring to your mental outlook. […]