• Six-Day Course

    36 Hours
    of training

  • 6 to 20 Participants

    6 to 20
    participants from
    your organization

  • On-Site or Virtual

    On-Site at your
    place of business or
    Virtual via Zoom / Teams

This Leadership & Management Training program will be a customized learning experience for your organization, a standard of leadership and management training, something you can build on consistently to create organizational empowerment in the future. The goal is to introduce people to the framework of leadership and management principles, best practices, and practical everyday management skills.

The program is based on classic management techniques and leadership best practices and utilizes your real world scenarios in the case studies. We will examine the strategies, techniques, and skills for these on-the-job, real-life situations, practice skills, and receive feedback and reinforcement.‌

​Elements of Leadership
  • Characteristics of a Good Leader
  • 10 Essential Leadership Qualities
  • Group discussion: Your organization’s combination of Leadership and Management
​Leading People/Teams
  • Understand your leadership style and what works for you and others.
  • Organize yourself and the team for results.
  • Case Study: As a leader in the organization, you must know how to approach various situations and manage the outcomes.
​Coaching Skills
  • Quiz: How good are your coaching skills?
  • Leverage the strengths and weaknesses of the team with Performance Coaching.
  • Case study – Coaching different styles of people: determining their DiSC behaviour and preferences, less or more experience, and the most effective style to use for follow-up.
​Giving and Receiving Feedback
  • Giving fact-based evidence and immediate feedback
  • Receiving, recognizing the value, and utilizing constructive feedback from others
  • Small group Work: Preparing, giving and receiving feedback – Prepare. Present, Review.
​Introduction to Management
  • How to transition from fellow employee to manager
  • Understanding the four leadership styles and when to use each style.
  • Clarifying and communicating job expectations and performance standards.
  • Case study: Using delegation to help motivate employees.
The DiSC Management Profile
  • Understanding ourselves and others
  • Building relationships
  • Activity: Determining the DiSC behaviours and preferences of colleagues
​Communicating Effectively
  • Develop techniques to deal with confrontations and conflicts.
  • Communication: It is not what you say but how you say it that makes the difference.
  • The four behavioural styles DISC and their impact on communication
  • Case study: Recognizing the barriers to effective listening: how to listen when angry.
​Nine Managing Skills using DISC
  • Communicating
  • Complimenting
  • Correcting
  • Counselling
  • Decision-Making
  • Delegating
  • Developing
  • Motivating
  • Problem-Solving
  • Small group discussion: Presentation, review, and feedback
​Active Listening
  • Barriers and benefits to listening
  • Five techniques of active listening
  • Five skills of active listening
  • Listening Exercise: Concentration tips and guidelines for effective listening
​Steps to Improving Your Listening Skills
  • Stop, look, and listen
  • How to use the power of the pause
  • Responding and strategies for empathetic listening
  • Activity: Post-course – The Seven-day Active Listening Challenge
Communication Skills
  • How to remain professional in the face of challenging circumstances.
  • Maintain a level of professional communication and confidential information.
  • Communicate clearly and effectively for results: Using the four-part communicator.
  • Case Study: Practice with a typical scenario.
Difficult Conversations
  • What is a difficult conversation, and why is it difficult
  • Why the difficult conversation is so meaningful
  • The Five-Minute Chat – How to have a difficult conversation.
  • Practice: The Five-Minute Chat
​Decision-making Techniques
  • Decision-making involves identifying a decision through collaboration, gathering information, assessing alternative resolutions, and providing options and alternatives.
  • Five decision-making techniques for managers
  • Case Study: a scenario involving the steps in decision-making
  • Think through a scenario and teach others how to approach the problem.
  • The answer lies in the questions you ask.
  • Solving problems creatively.
  • 10 Problem-solving questions
  • What is essential, and what is a priority?
  • Get to where you are going to get to without shutting everyone down.
  • Use the problem-solving criteria and assessment levels with ratings.
  • Case Study: Activity on problem-solving
Productive Conflict
  • Understanding your DiSC conflict style when in conflict
  • What is important to you during a conflict?
  • What drains your energy during conflict?
​Destructive Responses in Conflict
  • What drives each of the DiSC behaviour styles in conflict?
  • What are some of the common destructive responses?
  • Why do I do what I do in conflict?
Recognizing Automatic Thoughts
  • Changing your response
  • Stepping back from your emotions
  • Reframing your automatic thoughts
  • Practice: Understanding our style, reframing, and recognizing automatic thoughts
​Challenging Situations and Follow-up for Results
  • Lead people to do the things you want them to do.
  • Understanding what to do, why to do it and how to do it
  • Implement a mini-performance approach to problem-solve proactively.
  • Case Study – from your environment
​Managing Performance Before Reviews
  • The performance review and competencies discussion.
  • Applying Situational Leadership strategies with DiSC preferences
  • Performance Coaching: the four steps to coach for unprofessional behaviour
  • Practice: Coaching scenario
Performance Reviews, Objectives, and Accountability
  • Prepare, Practice and Review – to avoid “The Difficult Conversation.”
  • Situations where you do not want to hurt an employee’s feelings.
  • Empathy and thinking with logic, facts, and complex data.
  • Practice: how to facilitate a meaningful Performance Review
​Emotional Intelligence
  • The leader has a direct influence on the culture of the work environment.
  • Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor one’s own and other people’s emotions, to discriminate between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behaviour.
  • The Five Components of Emotional Intelligence at Work
  • Group work discussion: When to know when and how to act. Present examples of the five components of E.I. and the outcomes in a back-on-the-job scenario.
​DiSC Agile E.Q.
  • The connection between agility and emotional intelligence
  • The value of E.Q. in the workplace
  • Discover our DiSC Agile E.Q. strengths, recognize our E.Q. opportunities, learn to stretch outside our comfort zones and empower ourselves to meet the demands of any situation.
  • The eight DISC Agile E.Q. mindsets: Dynamic, Outgoing, Empathizing, Receptive, Composed, Objective, Resolute, Self-assured
  • Practice: Utilizing Agile E.Q. mindsets
​Time Management Skills
  • The reality of managing time.
  • The most significant time wasters and dealing with them.
  • How to never miss a deadline and manage time – ask “when,” not “what.”
  • Focus on the priorities – urgent and important: the Urgent / Important Matrix.
  • Break it down into smaller time units.
  • Set deadlines and determine a plan for completion.
  • Deal with procrastination and interruptions.
  • Understanding your effect on others when deadlines are not met, or emails/meetings are ignored.
  • Case Work: Presenting what works for you: What is it, how does it work, where does it work, when does it work, and what is the impact on self, others, and the team’s productivity?
​Change Management
  • Change – What is it? What are “Change Management” and “Managing Change”?
  • How do you manage the stress that comes with “Leading Change”?
  • The difference between project management and change management.
  • Change is emotional. How does it make you feel?
  • The four responses to change
  • Thinking vs. feeling to change successfully.
  • A checklist for speaking to the heart and head.
  • Group Work: Understanding the different perspectives on change
​Understanding Organizational Change
  • Why is organizational change necessary?
  • A manager’s role in organizational change.
  • Preparing for organizational change.
  • Developing the skills you need to manage organizational change
    • Effective communication, including actively listening to your team
    • A highly developed level of emotional intelligence.
    • Vital organizational skills.
    • Attention to the details in change.
    • Applying change problem-solving and decision-making skills.
    • Delegating without micromanaging.
  • Small group work: Using an example of change at your organization:
    • a) examples of the six skills, what it is, how it works and the impact
    • b) How will the skills impact this change?
This six day program is highly interactive and builds on the previous days. There are 3 different DiSC profiles that are used through-out the program.

For more details, customization, or pricing…

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